Friday, April 14, 2017

A yacht moves by wind | Akihiro Nishino ~TEDxKids@Chiyoda

Believe it or not, Nishino-san is not only a very talented artist, but also a famous comedian in Japan.

The video below was taken just about 2 years ago (2015). In this video, he easily makes the audience laugh with his hilarious jokes and stories. At the end, he delivers a very important message to kids.

Nishino san says, "To sail the yacht, the tailwind is always helpful. It could be something good to support you...such as your talent, looks, skill, intelligence or money."

But what about the headwind?

It's difficult to sail forward because it comes against you. "No wind" is difficult as well, as you have to struggle to row the yacht using only your hands, and without rest. Headwind, or no wind, could be something unfavorable such as your inner feelings, low test grades, bullies at school, and so on.
Nishino san says, "Don't be sad, don't give up, and do not let them push you down. Just as a yacht can sail forward against the headwind with a certain technique, you can go forward with strength and positivity. Don't try to hide, don't be sad, do not let your inferior feelings control you.
There is always a way to use your headwind.

Myself? I am using my negative aspects, bad situations, or poor environments as inspiration for laughter as an 'owarai-geinin' (comedian).
Laughter makes people happy. I use many kinds of headwinds for my jokes and scripts to bring laughter to people, and you can do it too. Just be creative, observe your winds from different angles and take it with your own way. Then, I believe you also can move your yacht forward in your own special way."

Published on Apr 7, 2015
As a comedian, Nishino tells his story with jokes and audience comes alive because of his funny story. Then he tells children a very important story.
"A yacht moves by the wind. The sail receives the wind then it moves forward. Following wind lets the yacht moving forward easily. Even if a head wind comes, you can move forward to control the sail. The hard thing is when there are no winds, and you have to let the yacht move by yourself."


He has made a combination called King Kong since 1999. The combination won the prizes like "30th NHK Kamigata Manzai Contest", etc.He has shown up some TV programs and conducted Manzai lives. Also, he creates picture books as a writer. Some of his works are praised by Tim Barton.

For more information:

Shooting: Motoyoshi Hirata
Sound: Ryosuke Takasaki, Takahiro Kitamura
Intro Animation: Takeshi Kawano
Logo Animation: Seiji Morishita
Editing: Momo Kobayashi
Description: Ryohei Hara

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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